Artist Spotlight, Komyoon

When I first joined instagram I gained the attention of a few creatives that asked me to put in bids for this thing called commercial work. Up until that point I had no idea the scope of what it would be like to work on a team of creatives to create images. The work I started to do as a result of those few inquiries became a dream job and I couldn’t get enough of it.

Years later, instagram has no shortage of creative photographers sharing their work, and it has stopped being the first place people can find me. Komyoon has created a website that is a more sophisticated version of that early instagram, where you can find artists based on tags and searchable works in their libraries.

To be completely honest, the work that they do on their end is much less familiar to me, but I am so impressed by this team of women, and their creative approach to problem solving that I am in full awe!

Last month I was excited to be featured in their Artist spotlight. sharing that link here~ Thanks Komyoon.

Artist Spotlight


Au Boulot at Playgrounds

Living in Sunny Socal, I have access to Pacific ocean vibes and a never ending summer and outdoor photography. One Friday night, my son and his friends helped me create images for a Au Boulot and the vintage french workwear line by my friend Mariah Walker. This was the perfect fashion fit for these thrift store junkies.

Styled by CJ Besuzzi

Hair by Chad, CJ and Xavier

Location Newport Beach, playgrounds